Students applying for a clinical seat in the BSN program must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher on the eight pre-requisite courses listed on the BSN Fact Sheet and must have a C+ or higher in NRSG 107. 以便计算你的入学分数作为参考, 60 percent of the score will come from your GPA on these eight courses and 40 percent will come from your score on the TEAS (see below). 因此, the lowest GPA accepted varies each year dependent on number of applicants, 申请人的总GPA和他们在tea中的分数. 

tea考试是对基本学术技能的测试. BSN students must have a proficient score of 68 percent or higher. Proficient scores generally indicate a moderate level of overall academic preparedness necessary to support learning of nursing-related content. 学生可以通过网站购买学习指南和练习测试 强烈建议大家为考试做准备.

Applicants are required to have the following pre-requisites for consideration in the Nursing Department:

  • BIOH 201/202 *人体解剖学 & Physiology I -w/lab must be taken in-person and can only be repeated once
  • BIOH 211/212 *人体解剖学 & Physiology II -w/lab must be taken in-person and can only be repeated once
  • 技术写作入门
  • CHMY 121 *普通化学导论
  • CHMY 122 *普通化学实验室简介
  • 数学121 *大学代数
  • nutr258 *营养基础
  • PSYX 100心理学入门
  • NRSG 107专业护理展望
  • 社会学101社会学概论
  • psyx230 *发展心理学
  • BIOM 250/251 *健康科学微生物学讲座-带实验室
  • STAT 216或131介绍统计或生物统计
  • HCI 316医疗保健伦理
  • 圣歌XXX人文
  • WRIT 201 *大学写作II

* denotes prerequisite courses that will be included in the GPA calculations for admission.

完成护理学位的费用很高. 除了学杂费, nursing students should be aware that required nursing textbooks/reference materials are expensive and that many courses require several texts. The students should also plan for a number of out-of-pocket expenses related to clinical supplies and course /program requirements. 一旦被护理专业录取, BSN学生每学期的课程费用为650美元.00. There is also current lab, insurance and distance fees that are approximately $535.每学期00美元.



You will need to contact the Transfer Credit Evaluator in the Enrollment Service office to have a Transfer Credit Evaluation completed at 或在 406-496-4698.

Applications to the BSN program are available in the Nursing Department and online. 申请只在4月和11月接受. 一旦申请表填好, it must be returned to the department and checked and signed by an advisor. 请向本部门查询办公时间, 406-496-4390 了解更多信息.


  • 学生必须在过去10年内提供Tdap证明. (破伤风、白喉及无细胞百日咳).
  • 麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和/或免疫力证明.
  • Proof of Varicella vaccination or immunity (two doses four weeks apart, or a positive titer).
  • 每年(秋季)流感疫苗接种证明.
  • Evidence of Hepatitis B vaccination (series of three shots) or seroimmunity (demonstrated with a positive titer). It is important to note that you need to allow at least 7½ months to complete the series.
  • Current evidence of freedom from Tuberculosis (TB skin test or chest x-ray) annually.
  • 心肺复苏术——当前完成经批准的心肺复苏术课程的证明, 必须有成人和婴儿吗 (American Heart Association 健康 Care Provider or American Red Cross Professional Rescuer.)

BSN项目的学生, 或者申请BSN项目, must have evidence of current completion of an approved CPR course, 必须有成人和婴儿吗.


  • 美国心脏协会:BLS或卫生保健提供者
  • 美国红十字会:BLS或专业救援者

这两个BSN项目都需要每年进行背景调查. Full instructions on how to complete the background check will be provided to the newly admitted students prior to orientation.

Cost of text books varies from semester to semester, approximate cost is $800.00.

先决条件可以作为兼职学生参加, but once accepted into the clinical component of the BSN program the student is expected to be full-time.

Please check with the transfer evaluator in the Enrollment Services office for more information at or 406-496-4485.

秋季入学申请在4月的第一周开始. Applications for Spring are available the first week in November.  请致电护理部了解更多信息 406-496-4390.

Drug screens are required annually for students in the BSN program. Full instructions on when and how to complete the annual drug screen will be provided to students.